With a name like Kimchi Juice you just can’t go wrong. The young artists from Washington DC, much like the name she’s given herself, leaves you with more questions than answers the longer you speak with her… but in all the best ways. From the age of 13, Kimchi Juice knew with full determination that she was an artist, so much so that she sidestepped high school in order to homeschool herself to free up more time to concentrate on making art on her own. Her focus and confidence has not wained over the past decade and has paid off big time. The 24 year old has shown her work in galleries and museums, painted murals from DC to Florida, to LA and as far as Seoul South Korea. She’s curated group shows in LA and Wasington DC and even has some of her art in the permanent collection with the Smithsonian. Her contemporary portrayal of traditional Korean motifs with feminist undertones speak to the artist’s upbringing and personal beliefs and continues to expand and evolve as it moves from walls to canvas to 3D objects and beyond.