MAY 2024
"I just need to be doing a bit of everything."
To see someone paint a graffiti piece with no prior planning and no sketch and have it turn out really good at the end is impressive no matter how familiar you are with writing graffiti. But to paint a large scale mural from a lift with no sketch, no plan, using both hands, and filming yourself while you do it… and have it turn out really good and proportionally accurate… that’s other worldly. Sofles is a cyborg. There’s no other way to explain it. A well oiled machine that can paint anything in almost any style, with speed, confidence, and accuracy. The plethora of videos on his YouTube page and all over the internet prove this to be true.
His short film titled “Limitless” from 2013 with director Selina Miles, with over 13 million views, is one of the most impressive displays of wall painting you will ever see. From photorealistic portraiture, to vast seascapes, intricate design and pattern work, Inovative letter and hand styles, and of course just straight up grimy trackside graffiti for the heads, Sofles has concurred it all. His prowess and talent are only matched by his thirst and curiosity for what comes next which thankfully keeps the engine running and the innovations coming.