"Sometimes manipulating words to fit a different space changes how you even read the words"
Georgia Hill’s background in graphic design is immediately obvious by her ability to communicate felling and tone so powerfully with a rather minimal amount of artistic elements. Mostly black and white and aggressively flat dimensionally, Hill’s work would seem stark if it weren’t for her captivating use of pulsating repetition, clever optical illusions, ominous and suggestive incorporation of text and the sheer size and scale at which her work is often presented. Based in Sydney Australia, Hill has spent the past decade traveling the globe painting murals, often times from one project to the next with breaks in between just long enough to produce enough studio work for a solo show before hitting the road again. A lifestyle that seems an odd choice for the self-proclaimed introvert, but her tireless efforts and work ethic have landed her as one of the most identifiable artists on the scene in Australia and abroad.